Monday, September 26, 2016

The writers of Just Rip the Bandaid

My name is Jenn and I live in the beautiful PNW. My cute suburbia town looks like something off of a postcard. I have been a Christ follower for over 20 years. I have experienced the highest highs and the lowest lows, but have always trusted that God would never forsake me. I am a busy Mom of 3 handsome and busy boys, C (9), A (7) and G (4). They love life and love to do everything to the max. This means we spend a lot of time at our doctor and the emergency has been the running joke that our hospital should name a room after us:). When I am not being a full time uber to my kids for their activities and functions, I am a bible study leader at my church and a Cabi Clothing Stylist. I love being able to work outside of our home, especially in the fashion industry with Women! I am surrounded by all boys in my life, no joke, even our dog is a boy! So putting on make-up, cute clothes and some heels to go to work to connect with some amazing ladies, is quite a blessing. 

I have been married for 10 years, but had the pleasure of meeting my husband 18 years ago. We have experienced so much together and have seen each other struggle and grow. We have endured trials meant to divide us and leaned in closer to God every time, even through the pain. 
I prayed about starting this blog months ago, but have waited for the right timing. I know that God can use all things, especially the pain I have endured with loss, broken relationships, physical health issues, marital hardships, financial burdens, etc etc etc. I wake up every morning and thank God for a new day of mercy and grace. A day that may not be pain free, but another day on this earth that I can walk with Jesus and see life through his eyes. 

I asked my sweet sisters in Christ, Staci and Lindsay, to participate on this blog with me. They both have been incredible women in my life, mentors and the most wonderful of friends. It is an absolute honor to watch them live life fiercely and whole heartedly for God. They hug me when I'm hurting, they make me laugh at just the right moment, they love my boys like their own, they call me out on my adult tantrums and pity parties, and they speak life, love and encouragement to me on a daily basis. These ladies have endured much in their lives and still choose the joy of the Lord each and everyday. God knew exactly what He was doing when He created all of us to be in friendship with one another. Here are their bios:

My name is Staci and I am a Jesus loving gal who believes in loving God and loving others (tirelessly striving to do this better!) I've been walking with Jesus for 25 years now and I have traveled to the valleys and mountaintops many times with Him.  I have been married for 11 years and my man is ultra hardworking and loves his family with grace and fervor! My kiddos are J (age 11), P (age 10....yep they are 13 months apart...oops!) and my little ginger surprise , B (age 3). We live in overrated suburbia (picture the Truman Show) in Southern California. I have a degree in Social Work and a teaching credential and have been teaching at-risk high school students for 13 years and recently started focusing on developing a special program for teen moms! I love my job, but juggling working full time while being a personal assistant to my children and saving enough energy for my husband is a big task! 

I have been friends with Jenn for the last two decades and through that time we have become sisters! She and I have had more "adventures" than I can count and have learned what it means to follow Jesus in many stages of life! Although she's Type A and I'm a B-, we still have the type of friendship that every woman know the kind where you can call and tell each other the strange experiences you just had or call in the middle of the night when your heart is breaking into pieces! 

I love to share my heart and stories from my journey and the ways Jesus has taught me through the storms and joys of life. I can't wait for heaven, but until then, I'm learning that the more I realize this life isn't about me, the more I can rest in His promises! 

My name is Lindsay, I am a grateful believer in Jesus! I truly could not have survived this past year without my comfort, my rock, my fortress My Heavenly Father! It's been a valley and He has walked with me through the darkness, drawn me into Him, and put my soul at rest to be able to keep my head steadfast on His plan. My favorite motto, that is tattooed on my heart, and what should be on my outer body, ( and might be someday) is " Choose Joy". Not an easy task by any means, especially when in the valleys. However, when we choose Joy, our spirit that was designed to turn towards God, is more in tune to His works, and we begin to feel life again. 

I have 3 kids, J who is 18 is my challenge, but also my sidekick. Then their is the precious middle , L. She is 12 and I call her my balance. She is a constant reminder of Joy! She exudes kindness, silliness and love to others. Then the baby, my sweet D 9. He is my gentle spirit.  He reminds me of David in the Bible in so many ways. Quiet, Gentle, but Strong in Spirit and a heart for God. 

I have a heart for women. I love being a glass house, and showing where God has worked and moved the mountains in my life. My job is centered around women. I sell a clothing line to women in their homes called, Cabi. It is fulfilling to be around others, connecting and doing life with them. Connecting with others, is God's prescribed medicine. 

In a nut shell, and we will crack the nut struggles have been centered around addiction. My son and others close to me have struggled with addiction issues. Addiction is powerful, and can cloud the real being God created. It dims and alters the person we were created to be. However, through walking in the Valley, and fighting the battle with the Armor of God , Ephesians 6:11, we have crossed over to the other side as a family. It took a fight, sending my oldest to Utah to a strict academy for 91/2 months, ripped from his bed in the middle of the night, to go get the help he needed. My family stands together no matter the trial and finds strength in our weaknesses. Thank you Jesus for saving my sweet son from dark experiences and healing him! I'm excited to share with You, how God has Us, even in our darkest hours. 

Jenn and I have been friends for 5 years, and this last year we are as close as Anne and Dianna Berry ( Anne of Green Gables)  I laugh when I think about before I even met her, I had someone tell me that we were going to be close friends... they knew we were going to click like, peas and carrots...before we even met. This woman has been there in the thick of it with me. She has walked through the last year with grace, grit, compassion, and God's Word with me. I'm so grateful to be doing life with her. We are light on the heaviest days together, and are on our knees praying for each other. God has called us to be in each other's lives! To be present, to connect, to uplift, and hold each other up when we cannot stand on our own. This is the heart of true friendship. I'm grateful to have this in my life, with Jenn, and the other amazing women in my life. 

I'm eager to share with you, how God is our Light, in the darkness. He restores, what we think is too shattered, and is working all things for Good in our life.


  1. Thank you ladies for sharing yourselves. ❤️ you

    1. Thank you for reading it:) We are excited to start this journey. Thank you for supporting and encouraging us friend.
