Monday, September 26, 2016

The intent behind Just Rip the Bandaid

The Webster dictionary defines the word pain as this, "the physical feeling caused by disease, injury, or something that hurts the body; mental or emotional suffering; sadness caused by some emotional or mental problem; someone or something that causes trouble or makes you feel annoyed or angry."  We all have experienced some sort of pain in our lives. I have learned over my lifetime that pain does not discriminate, it takes any route possible and allows no time frame for how long it will last. How we decide to deal with the pain we have been dealt is what begins to show our character and strength. Do we mask it and tuck it away for a later time? Or do we face it head on, declaring victory over it in Jesus name. 

Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable through the pain sets us up to be the most teachable and moldable. This however, is easier said than done. I spent most of my teenage years and early 20's running from pain. Instead of facing hard situations, I ran from them and allowed my pride to take over. I avoided character growth and allowed myself to live a mediocre life when God was anxiously awaiting to give me an abundant one. 

Just rip the bandaid has become a mantra for me over time. When I uncover the wound and truly let healing begin, my thoughts and my heart start to transform. One of my favorite recent quotes is from Lysa TerKerust, in her book called, Uninvited, she says, "Pain is the gift that motivates us to fight with brave tenacity and fierce determination knowing there’s healing on the other side.Healing is painful and always requires a journey of some degree, short or long term. Sometimes the pain is so great that it completely catches your breath. The thought of moving forward in your new reality, can be absolutely paralyzing, but as time moves forward and healing takes place, you can reflect on where you have come from and the ways you have been strengthened from your experience. 

Staci, Lindsay and I have spent much time praying over this journey and know that God can use our life experiences to speak encouragement to our readers. Being tested in our lives brings about the testimony we can use to speak hope into someone else. We all need hope for this journey of life, it empowers us to keep going. We are by no means experts on life and cannot answer the question of 'why' to most situations, but we have hope and joy in the Who of all situations. At the end of the day, we find peace in our Heavenly Father and know that He holds us on all of our journeys. 

We would love for you to share Your journey of life and the hope you have found. Please comment on our posts or email us at justripthebandaid at gmail dot com.  

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